The elder pundits and politicians are wrong multifariously, about OWS!
What the OccupyWall Street Movement has begun will transcend the politics
and issues of our, particular Time.
This rebellion is wide and deep within civilization's oppressions of heart and soul;
decades in its waiting; and beyond media's tunneled, commercial vision.
The human spirit and soul have, previously, waited through decades and centuries
of injustices and oppressions for the sociocultural moisture needed to
resprout our
toward recapturings of our innate
Toward our "truths to be self-evident,"
for our "all men are created equal,"
for our "certain inalienable rights,"
for our "liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
For all human blessings innately endowed.
This is a reaffirmation, of what democracy, as well as the American Revolution
affirmed: that the common people have innate intelligence, abilities, rights and
dignities. Such innate, goodly attributes, that in the course of civilization's events,
are taken from them, upon the Golden Rule's protection being overrun.
In civilizations, the Golden Rule, is widely advocated;
yet, through smooth law and priviledge, is abrocated.
Midst civilization's greedy action,
The Golden Rule very easily goes missing in traction.
The only golden rule on Wall Street is: seize and hoard the gold,
the currencies and equities representing it, into deceitful pockets, legalized to hold.
This rebellion, spontaneous as a Springtime, is quite likely, a fresh quickening
of the West's Last Human Spring, started in the 1960s. And it will likely shoot its
sproutings up through the Winter of Western Civilization for decades to come,
to say the very least.
This rebellion could, conceivably and likely, play a key role in sociocultural justice,
as important, or more so, as the Civil Rights and the Environmental Movement.
It is, conceivably, the beginning of a much needed, unprecedented, American
and Human Revolution, in unity, against a constellation of injustices and oppressions.
Did the US Founding Fathers intend for new, alien, invasive, cultural growths,
marked by inequality and oppression, to occupy human, sociocultural landscape!
Such forces overwelming us, recently in particular, have been progressing and
accelerating -- through high-tech, commercial, financial, oligarchical, plutocratic,
global, corporate empirism, and other alien, anti-human forces-- for over
50 years now, 30 of which have seen the oppressive rule of free market orthodoxy.
Free market orthodoxy, courtesy of Ayn Rand, is the oppression of the peoples' innate,
inalienable, abilities, goodness, rights and dignities via the desires, and educated,
legalized thievery, of the greedy top 1% measured by income and assets.
These toxic, sociocultural artificials do not spring from any USA nor any human,
sociocultural DNA. Genes and DNA are material and physical; and this recently, popular
metaphor denoting favored, social behavior and events is fundamentally ungrounded.
Language, falsely influenced by the Human Genome and its Projects, has
increasingly acquired a new euphemism for favored, sociocultural phenomena:
"it is in our very DNA." (meaning in our sociocultural genome or epigenome).
As usual, what is "in" by verdict of new science and lingo, is completely false.
This quickening of rebellion, --which, as most before it, is not just American,
but human--springs from our
social and cultural humanity, deep within us.
It is phenomenal-social-cultural-spiritual-ontological-ecological-epistemological!
It is
not material, genomic, nor
epigenomic! This rebellion springs from
our human spirit and soul's natural need to be free-- free of artificial obstructions.
As natural to humans, as to buried seeds, waiting for enough moisture to sprout;
this is oppressed humanity's endurance of
thirst for
freedom of
spirit and culture.
Natural freedoms set fruit in social primates, grown-harvested as natural humanity.
OWS's Human Spring is our Founding Father's
and our ancient
nurturing's--our human nurturome's-- resurgence of mind, heart,
spirit and soul. It is the regeneration of humanity's Earth-evolved,
indigenous, primordial,
eco-sociocultural humanness.
The Human Spring now witnessed in the OCW Movement is
an expansion of the Environmental Movement's innate impulse
to save the Earth's pristine wilderness and wildlife: expanding this into
a revelation that we must save--through cleansing and restoration--
our natural freedoms; as being a part of Earth's evolutionary creation of Life.
The destruction of rain forests, lands and waters
is human self-destruction.
There is still a deeper revelation: the pollution and layered burials
of our humanity within--our heart, spirit, being, culture, and soul--
this inner pollution is the ultimate source of the pollution-destruction of
the Earth-life 'outside us'-- outside our city-selves, lives and worlds.
live the resurgent growth and triumph
of the
heart and
innate needs:
Long resurging
atop the growth of the body and
mere personal and
ethnocentric desires.
All human regeneratings blossom heart and soul, in human Spring's season,
to yield fruit above egoism's makeshift, selfish stems of reason.
May OWS become a Human Spring;
and fruit again into a Human Summertime.
* * * * *
Love, Soul and Liberty
Oh, our besieged, Human Soul!
Rise through rebellion into a Human Revolution,
Mark your rebellions against a constellation of injustices,
Engulfing humanity's sociocultural firmament.
Resist civilization's perennial coldness and darkness;
Embrace resurging liberties of humanity and Earth-life:
Re-light ten thousand campfires to enlighten lost, human rights;
Recapture Earth, restore cultural Sunlight, and social firmament.
Human campfires mark the beginnings of human villages!
Village, family, and Earth are the basic units of Human Liberty!
Speak the basic word to deceit, to social fabrications:
To all subjugations of humanity and soul: speak "No!"
Speak "Yes" to our grandchildren, and to theirs;
Our lovings given them are our deepest unity,
Our only path to Humanity's freedom.
Failing this unity and love,
Failing family, village and Earth;
Therein, lies our ongoing oppression by civilization.
L.S. Heatherly 2011 .. Creative Commons (with citation)