Oct 3, 2011

Finality of Love: Depths of the Human

The truest seekers
Of humanity's light, warmth and splendor;
Of magnanimous, manifold love;
Rediscover our oldest treasure:

Their bounty is Love-- all its natural, ecological, manifold forms,
Reigning as original force, original phenomenon, the roots of humanity:
Of our development, well-being, fulfillment and sustainability.

When we say or feel, "Love is God",
We are in deepest, human togetherness.
There is no reversing this into: God is Love.
We break free on Earth; as one humanity of Hers, at birth!

We skirt free of attaching human traits,
And diverse, conflicting, cultural characteristics
Onto competing man-made Gods of diverse arrogant civilizations.
Earth's commons of humanity--our ecovillages, our souls--recover unity.

All civilizations represent a disintegrative invasion; an anti-Earth nature,
A penetrating, anti-human nature, an alien, artificial form of socioculture;
A violation of Earth's ecologically created, natural socioculture.
Natural culture and society mark and define Earth's natural humanity.

Through Love's universally shared map (nurturome) to human behavior,
Relationships, activities, values, spirituality, culture and lifeways;
Love becomes triumphant, uniting all humankind in unity.

Nations, empires, and all un-natural, un-ecological,
Un-just accumulations of un-human powers, crumble thereupon.
All humans become united as one human condition of being.
All return to evolved, universal, natural, human eco-villages.

When "Love is God" replaces "God is Love";
We are in harmony, in cooperation, as human family on Earth,
Midst other naturally selected, created, interdependent,
Inter-grown families(species) of Earth's life.

From this, Earth's humanity emerged.
To this, humanity, restored into Earth's human nature,
Will return in finality, cleansed of civilization.


The finalities of both love and and real, human philosophy
Are the resurging branching, blossoming and setting fruit:
Our fallings: into perennial, archetypal, Earth-Human villages.

We are our only real fruit: our humanity.
Our soul flows free: with the grace and humility of Earth-life;
Or clots in blockage: with the arrogance and futility of civilizations.

Creative Commons, L.S. Heatherly 2011

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