and DO IT FAST," -- A Stream of Cons and LIES! Only Trump,! Now starring
as "The BIGGEST LOSER in Presidential History!
FROM Previous Post I. (11/9/2016): CLINTON'S Loss DUE TO Comey's and Russia's Illegal Election Interference!
and DO IT FAST," -- A Stream of Cons and LIES! Only Trump,! Now starring
as "The BIGGEST LOSER in Presidential History!
FROM Previous Post I. (11/9/2016): CLINTON'S Loss DUE TO Comey's and Russia's Illegal Election Interference!
CLINTON'S Lasting Win: Trump's ILLUSION of Presidential Legitimacy
COMEY "distributed MISLEADING info to [illegally] affect an election outcome."
-- Wikipedia on Illegal Elections
-- Wikipedia on Illegal Elections
If inaugurated, TRUMP will serve as an ILLEGITIMATE PRESIDENT!
(photo by) Dustin Rowles, Pajiba.com
Comey is 6ft 8in tall; all his adult life, he's been the tallest man in any room.
When the spotlight swung upon the last 2 weeks of the 2016 election; it was a
a once in a lifetime thrust: oppose Clinton and be in an Historical Spotlight!
Hence, he violated FBI Policy and Election law by "distributing misleading info
to affect the outcome of an election."(Wikipedia below)) To GET INTO that light!
For the sake of democracy, fairness and the USA, he needs to be taken down
into the shadows of history, shown as a small, selfish, shady person.
(For Post I. : "CLINTON'S Lasting WIN: Trump's Impeachment," See Nov 9,
When the spotlight swung upon the last 2 weeks of the 2016 election; it was a
a once in a lifetime thrust: oppose Clinton and be in an Historical Spotlight!
Hence, he violated FBI Policy and Election law by "distributing misleading info
to affect the outcome of an election."(Wikipedia below)) To GET INTO that light!
For the sake of democracy, fairness and the USA, he needs to be taken down
into the shadows of history, shown as a small, selfish, shady person.
(For Post I. : "CLINTON'S Lasting WIN: Trump's Impeachment," See Nov 9,
2016 -- Dec. 23, 2016 POST (with 63 UPDATES)
*UPDATE 8/17/17: Trump must be isolated. Resistance everyday. The end is near,
but must keep pressure high." -- Tony Schartz
*UPDATE 8/17/17: "Trump's presidency is effectively over..likely will resign by fall if not sooner." Tony Schartz
*UPDATE 8/16/17: "circle is closing with blinding speed, Trump is going to resign before Mueller and congress leave him no choice." Tony Schartz
*Update 8/9/17: "Enough with the politics; Congress needs to impeach Trump before he causes a nuclear war." -- Nate Lerner @NathanLerner
*Update 8/7/17: "Trump Has Elevated the art of fabrication." NY Times It is the chief
attribute of Trump's Presidency and of his lifelong career as conman.
*Update 8/7/17: Trump won [presidency] because he whines." --Charles Blow, NY Times
*Update 8/7/17: "As Mueller closes in, Trump prepares his base for the worst."
-- Washington Post
*Update 8/3/17: first week as President to Australian Prime Minister: "I am the
World's greatest person.." Judy Woodruff on PBS NewsHour
*Update 8/3/17: Mueller convenes a grand jury on Russia Probe...begans its work weeks ago.." -- Rueters
*Update: 8/1/17Trump now directly implicated in trying to cover-up the Russian
scandal." -- Washington Post
*Update 8/1/17: Trump extols [unprecedented} corporate profits, while seeking
corp tax cuts."-- Rueters
*Update: 8/1/17 "Trump's greatest nightmare: Russia and China's new found friendship." -- CNN
*Update: "Mark this date, 7/28/17, Donald Trump is now a lame-duck president."
-- Washington Post Getting things done FAST: failures, losses, greedy profits!
*Update 7/27/17: "Lindsey Graham: Firing Mueller could be 'beginning of the end
of the Trump Presidency.'" --Huffington Post
*Update 7/2717: A year ago Trump publicly asked Russia to intervene: "Russia, if you're listening, hope you ... can find [Clinton's] 30,000 ..missing emails." --Huffington Post
*Update 7/27/17: Scaramucci, new WH Comm Director ..on an unhinged rant at Bannon
and WH Chief of Staff, R. Pribus." --Huffington Post
*Update 7-22/17: Obstruction, collusion, foreign profits, et al; Trump considers
pardoning himself and aids! Unprecedented Trump BS continues to grow!
*Update 7/1817: 2 votes against + 2 more = Trump LOSES fight to replace ACA.
*Update 7/16/17: "Trump probably will RESIGN over a constitutional crisis caused by by his son-in-law and son.." --Philip Bobbott, a top Law Professor in the world
and at U of Columbia; independent.co.uk "Pense appears to have been a part..
multiple resignations?" the Standard
*Update 7/14/17: ABC/Washington Post poll: Trump's approval Falls to 36%
*Update: 7/14/17: Trump Jr, Kushner, Manafort could potentially be charged as
complicit in espionage... The Law was violated." More: "The Republicans have beccome enablers of the Trump-Russia assault on our democracy." -- N Pelosi
*Update 7/14/17: Odds reach 60% that Trump will be impeached by House and Senate before his 4 year term is out. -- Newsweek
*Update 7/14/17: "Pelosi Vows to Expose Gop on Enabling Russia." -- CNN
*Update 7/12/17: "Trump Jr emails with Russia the last straw.. we need an independent bipartisan commission to protect our democracy." -- USA Today
*Update 7/11/17 : All along, the truth was right there in the emails -- Donald Trump
Jr's... what the president ..and others..dening for a year...that top Trump people
had met with Russians.. expecting help.. to damage Clinton and get Trump elected.
-- Ny Times Trump Jr's "I love it (Hilary incrimination)." entails I want it! Intent
proven!!! Russian connection proven!! (After all 17 US Intel agencies held in 12/16.)
*Update 7/11/17: Trump Jr's emails point to willingness to deal with the Russians to
defeat Clinton." -- Washington Post
*Update 7/11/17: Emails show Trump Jr was aware Russia was working to help
Trump Campaign." -- NPR
*Update 7/9/17: Trump's Son Met with Russian Lawyer.. after being promised
damaging [pre election] info on Clinton" -- NY Times
*Update 6/29/17: Trump-GOP Health Care exposed: little hearts INTENT on making the super rich even RICHER still! The working class and the poor, even poorer!
*Update 6/28/17: Independent voters sour on Trump's handling of the economy
-- PBS News Hour
*Update 6/26/17: A Majority of American's would give up alcohol to see Trump get
impeached -- Newsweek
*Update 6/26/17: US falls in world approval under Trump." -- Washington Post
*UPDATE 6/17/17: "Trump is an outlaw President who wants to stop this investigation.." -- Carl Berstein, Watergate Reporter, CNN Live*UPDATE 6/16/17: [Trump] thinks the rile of law doesn't apply to him..; that's undemocratic ..and a blatant violation of his oath of office. -- Sen Feinstein
*UPDATE 6-14/17: Special Counsel, Mueller, now investigating Trump for
"obstruction of justice". -- Washington Post
*Update 6/14/17: Attorneys General of Maryland and District of Columbia and
nearly 200 Democratic members Congress sue Trump over his business
profits from Foreign countries. -- NYTimes et al
*Update 6/8/17: What investigators FAILED to ask Comey: " When you violated
FBI policy 11 days before the 2016 election, you implicitly said the policy was a
a policy of concealment. If you really believed that, you would have suggested
a change in policy. You made no such attempt; THEREFORE, your "concealment"
defense was a RUSE, an excuse, to get you into the election spotlight!
*Update 5/30/17: Probe hits Trump's Lawyer! Kushner! And Comey's secrets!
*UPDATE 5/27/17: Trump Ends Trip.. at Odds With Allies and Grilled on
Russia." -- NYTimes Kushner once attempted secret channel with Russia.
*UPDATE 5/24/17: Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law: "..new info that Comey was
influenced by Russian docs to criticize Clinton (6/2016).. he's looking worse
and worse and worse every day"... Congress and the people need to know.
*UPDATE 5/24/17: Trump's Base Shrinking-- strong approval drops from
(Feb) 30% to 21-22% (Present). -- FiveThirtyEight
*UPDATE 5/24/17: Trump Budget [cuts] help for low income people ..BUT
enormous TAX CUT for the rich. -- Washington Post
*UPDATE 5/22/17: Trump's approval drops 4 points."-- the Hill "Trump's
approval lowest since inauguration." -- AOL .com
*UPDATE 5/21/17: John McCain: "Trump Scandals have reached a Watergate
size and scale." -- MSNBC Live
*UPDATE 5/19/17: Art of the Deal Ghostwriter, T Schwarts: "Trump
likely to resign soon rather than 'lose'" -- The Hill
*UPDATE 5/19/17: White House Lawyers research impeachment process."
-- PBS News Hour, Newsweek, NY Daily News
*UPDATE 6-14/17: Special Counsel, Mueller, now investigating Trump for
"obstruction of justice". -- Washington Post
*Update 6/14/17: Attorneys General of Maryland and District of Columbia and
nearly 200 Democratic members Congress sue Trump over his business
profits from Foreign countries. -- NYTimes et al
*Update 6/8/17: What investigators FAILED to ask Comey: " When you violated
FBI policy 11 days before the 2016 election, you implicitly said the policy was a
a policy of concealment. If you really believed that, you would have suggested
a change in policy. You made no such attempt; THEREFORE, your "concealment"
defense was a RUSE, an excuse, to get you into the election spotlight!
*Update 5/30/17: Probe hits Trump's Lawyer! Kushner! And Comey's secrets!
*UPDATE 5/27/17: Trump Ends Trip.. at Odds With Allies and Grilled on
Russia." -- NYTimes Kushner once attempted secret channel with Russia.
*UPDATE 5/24/17: Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law: "..new info that Comey was
influenced by Russian docs to criticize Clinton (6/2016).. he's looking worse
and worse and worse every day"... Congress and the people need to know.
*UPDATE 5/24/17: Trump's Base Shrinking-- strong approval drops from
(Feb) 30% to 21-22% (Present). -- FiveThirtyEight
*UPDATE 5/24/17: Trump Budget [cuts] help for low income people ..BUT
enormous TAX CUT for the rich. -- Washington Post
*UPDATE 5/22/17: Trump's approval drops 4 points."-- the Hill "Trump's
approval lowest since inauguration." -- AOL .com
*UPDATE 5/21/17: John McCain: "Trump Scandals have reached a Watergate
size and scale." -- MSNBC Live
*UPDATE 5/19/17: Art of the Deal Ghostwriter, T Schwarts: "Trump
likely to resign soon rather than 'lose'" -- The Hill
*UPDATE 5/19/17: White House Lawyers research impeachment process."
-- PBS News Hour, Newsweek, NY Daily News
*UPDATE 5/14/17: "Trump Must Be Impeached... Congress [needs] an
impeachment investigation on Trump for obstruction of justice."
-- Dr Lawrence Tribe, Harvard Law Professor
impeachment investigation on Trump for obstruction of justice."
-- Dr Lawrence Tribe, Harvard Law Professor
Creative Commons 2016-2017 L.S. Heatherly
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