Aug 18, 2017

Fake American Presidency Going Down! 297(Updates!)

(See the Previous 2 posts, 11/9/ 2016 and 5/22/ 2017 on the Whole Illegitimate,
Tragic, American Presidency-- over 110 Updates!)

12/11/19: Watch Live: House Begins Articles of Impeacment." Washington Post

*12/11/19: Trump Assaults Impeachment by Denying Facts...stews privately.." -- CNN

* Nov. 9, 2016: "Hilary's Lasting Win: Trump's Impeachment!" -- (3 YEARS AGO, 4 Days After the Fake Election!)

*12/5/19: Buckingtham Palace: ..."Proof: World is Laughing at Trump!" -- Jimmy Kimmel

*12/4/19: "World Leaders are Laughing at Trump. He's a joke!" -- Chris Mathews MSNBC

*11/27/19: "Trump Throws Rudy Giuliani Under the Bus in Ukraine Comments" - The Last Word MSNBC

*11/26/19: The Turkeys Should be Pardoning Trump -- Jimmy Kimmel NBC

*11/25/19: 'Devastating Loss:' Judge Orders WH Counsil To Testify Before Congress --

*11/22/19: "Fiona Hill is President Trump's worst Nightmare" Morning Joe MSNBC

*11/21/19: Steven Colbert's Jingle on Trump's Bribery: (1:50- 2:25 in this video):
Jingle on Trump Bribery

*11/14/19: Pelosi: "Trump Has Admitted to 'Bribery'..." -CNN "Incompetent bribery is still bribery." -- Washington Post

*11/12/19: US House Begins Public Hearings of Impeachment Inquiry. -- Sources

*10/17/19: Trump's Impeachment Blockade Crumbles as Witnesses agree. -- NY TIMES

*10/11/19: On IMPEACHMENT NIGHTMARE: "If we get 4 Reb Senators, we can disqualify TRUMP, Sec POMPEO, Sec PERRY, and PENCE from holding FUTURE office.." --Adam Goldberg, fmr WH Lawyer to Clinton) -- Ari , The Beat MSNBC

[ Note from LS: A sleep- medication, I have taken for 38 yrs (one 15 mg cap at bedtime) "in shortage" at 3/19. Expected resupply as of 10-2-19 is Early or Mid Dec. 50+ Hrs (on web and phone in Sept and Oct, have failed to locate 30 capsules in Phx Metro area for my one remaining refill. Withdrawal at 70+ yrs, for 30 - 45 days, to another alternative med. seems about = to death. (NY Times '17 or '18 says 3 bigs bought out smaller = more controlled supply... Mylan alone now...the CEO, wife of Trump appointee; makes 19mil /yr. Would pay a cash bonus for a source .. my 30 caps refill. Am trying Compound RXs, (FDA allows compounds of meds "in shortage" or disc." (but "the powder is scarce.") about 10 caps left.]-- LS (if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Yet upper .2 % fix poverty and death. LS targeted by FDA/Mylan?) (11/11/19: switched to an alternate sleep med; evaluating this one)]

*10/3/19: SMOKING GUN Flashes WIDE! It's TRUMP,S MOUTH! then, asks China for 2020 Help! China chose hacking in 1990s! The ONLY Hacking Superpower! CAN Throw the Election to Trump! Score: James Comey: 1 and China: 1 Democracy: GONE FOREVER! -- L.S. Heatherly

*9/30/19: "Trump threatens CIVIL WAR, if removed." -- Vanity Fair, Wash Post,Twitter, et. al.

*9/30/19: Washington at War! Dems Aim at Speedy Impeachment..Trump Threatens Whistleblower! -- CNN Senate would have to hold Impeachment Trial. -- McConnell

*9/24/19: Pelosi Announces Formal Impeachment Inquiry. 7 new Dems join ranks. -- News

*9/20/19: TRUMP Presidency HIT by GIANT BOMB SHELL!! : "Trump in slow-motion fall! Will TRUMP-TANKS face US People? -- L.S. Heatherly

Whistle Blower: "TRUMP urged Pres of Ukraine to investigate Biden's Son!" Several News Outlets back story! Inspector General: "URGENT matter!"

Mark SHIELDS: "ENORMOUSLY serious..not fake news..not political vendetta; this IS REALLY SERIOUS..Trump exploiting [ US] security..putting it AT RISK..if reports are true, somebody in WH knows who the Whistle Blower is..this [Trump] is MAFIA-LIKE..!

David BROOKS: this call was listened to by others [in W HOUSE ] ; it is pretty GRAVE! Most Presidents serve the people; Trump is using foreign policy to serve HIMSELF! And [if connected to foreign aid and personal gain] is CORRUPTION of a HIGH Order!

Judy WOODRUFF: "if true, it's urging a foreign leader to get involved in the 2020 campaign; and then, the quid pro quo." SHIELDS: "if true , I don't see how the Dems can back off impeachment." [Caps added]

*9/14/19: Elizabeth Warren: the one to show rise in all categories. -- ABC This Week

*8/30/19: David Brooks: "there has been whisperings, is [Trump] as mentally fit as he used to be?...saying that his father was born in Germany [ Bronx is right ] , that's not something one would normally forget.. a lot of strange things coming out of his mouth, lately." --PBS News Hour

*8/30/19" "Dems shift focus to Warren...Trump most fears Harris [as] "the least flawed.." -- Fox News

*8/16/19: Fox News POLL: BIDEN 50% Trump 38% / SANDERS 48% Trump 39% 
/ WARREN 46% Trump 39%/ HARRIS 45% Trump 39%

*8/14/19: NBC- WALL ST. JR. POLL: Biden, 26% Warren, 19% Harris 13%, Sanders 13%!
"Warren-Harris or Harris-Warren DEM Ticket?" -- LS


Schiff: "a story of LIES GREED, MONEY,..CORRUPTION.. Compromise of the Nation's interest to WIN and MAKE MONEY at the SAME TIME... DISLOYALTY and, maybe, even WORSE: 

Trump violated the FOUNDING core principle [of America] -- that we, the people, not a foreign power wishing US HARM, will decide WHO governs us!" -- Adam Schiff (Caps Added)

*7/20/19: "KAMALA Harris is now the Candidate to Beat!" -- Wall Street Journal

*7/17/19: KAMALA 23% overtakes BIDEN 21% in California; SANDERS 18% WARREN 16% -- Quinnipiac University Poll

*7/12/19: Kamala: "Acosta let Epstein go with..simple..light pat on the hand!" -- The View (122,000 Views)

*7/11/19: KAMALA BEGINS Her PROSECUTION OF TRUMP!!! failed promises..failure to perform et al.." -- Rachel Maddow MSNBC See KAMALA PUNCHING 4 MINUTES nonstop!!!!!!!!!

*7/3/19: "BIDEN 22% HARRIS, 20% Sanders, 14%, Warren 13%" --Suffolk Univ- USA Today Poll

*7/1/19: AFTER 1ST DEM DEBATE: Biden 22% Harris 17% Warren 15% Sanders, 14% --CNN

*6/29/19: *KAMALA brought the Fireworks; while Joe Fizzed. -- CNN
"A Star is Born...Kamala... Would Take Trump to the Woodshed!" -- Van Jones CNN 
"Kamala lets Joe know he should pass the torch to her." -- NYTimes
"Kamala Hits A Home Run." -- Washington Post

*6/17/18: CRACK OPENS In Trump's Foundation of Arrogant Egoism: "..If its 4 years or 8 years, I want to be remembered as..." -- 30 Hours "Trump HAS ALWAYS held his greatness will last for 8 Years.!!! Trump is DOWN to IF!!!

Trump has CONCEDED the 2020 Election! That is the 2019 News Headline!! Trump's Self-Worship CRACKS! The Dems MUST seize on This! The News Media won't -- it prefers the ongoing DISASTER over Fairness! Disaster gets Attention! Fairness does not! Missing in Greed's actions! -- LS

*6/17/19: "G. Stephanopoulos Hammers Trump on Mueller report." --Huffington post

[Hey, D. House, G Password: same 4 letters+old Pres Bday+ # of fast legs+ my ha symbol]

*6/9/19: *Early polls ARE NAME RECOGNITION POLLS! More than 1/2 FAIL to STATE This! ALL must BEGIN with "Riding on.. Carried by.. Reflecting.. Failure to DO SO is 'distributing misleading info'..

is affecting 'the process' and 'outcome' of Primary and, thereby, 'Election'! This Violates Free-Spirit! The Media Covets -- Suckles at Teats of Power! More than Teats of natural, family-community-humanity Freedom!"  

"Start with Natural, Childhood Free; or Get Adults in Chains They cannot See!" - L.S. Heatherly

"Great COPY is Happy POWER and FUN; 
Rooted TRUTH is GROWTH of Humanity's SOUL
Choose FUN-POWER or SOUL-LOVE." -- L.S.

*6/6/19: KAMALA Harris..Brilliant Idea {Reproductive Rights Act] would stop Abortion Laws [taking effect] unless the Fed Gov agrees they comply with Roe Vs Wade. 

Known as 'preclearance' it is [also] considered the most effective Civil Rights tool (voting rights, et al) in American history." -- NYTimes (and

*6/2/19: House Maj Whip: "House will eventually launch Impeachment Inquiry." Politico

*5/29/19: CBS Poll: Roe V Wade: KEEP AS IS: 67% ! OVERTURN IT: 28% !

*5/21/19: KAMALA Harris For Independent Investigations of Fatal Police Shootings.-CNN

*5/19/19: Schiff: "Impeachment additional Tool to beat 'Maximum Obstruction Campaign'"

*5/17/19: Priorities USA projects Dems rebuilding Blue Wall, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, for 2020 election.

*5/17/19: Trump gives 62 Billion, earmarked for farmers, to corrupt Brazilian Brothers. MSNBC

*5/8/19: For 10 yrs. 1985 --1994, TRUMP lost 1.2 Billion: MORE than any OTHER person! - NYT. . "Before becoming Worst PRES!!! POWER of TV as CON and FAKE guide to Life!" -- LS  
"It Takes a Village! [to grow Humanity! Not TV and Web]" -- Margaret Mead "  

"TV's 'The Apprentice', Trump, then Comey, Groomed Voters as Subjugates" --LS

*5/8/19: Barr "IN CONTEMPT" by House. Trump JR gets subpoena from Senate. -Sources

*5/2/19: KAMALA Harris On Barr's incompetence and TRUMP Calling Her 'nasty'!
watch here: LIVE ON NEW DAY

*5/1/19: Kamala Harris and Adam Schiff Call for Barr's resignation. -- Sources

"KAMALA Harris Guts Barr Like a Fish, Leaves him Flopping..." -- Vanity Fair

"KAMALA Harris zeroes in on..big problem with AG Barr." --Washington Post

*4/29/19: KAMALA Harris hires Jim Margolis, veteran of 2008 and 2012 OBAMA Campaigns and CLINTON'S 2016 campaign. Gingrich again predicts Harris to win Dem Primary. -- Politico et al.

*4/26/19: Judge Andrew Napolitano (Fox): Trump is guilty of multiple OBSTRUCTIONS of JUSTICE..." The Last Word, --MSNBC (Caps added)

*4/23/19: .."Mueller Report "The BEGINNING of the END." --Neal Katyal, Former Solicitor General on The Late Show with Steven Colbert 1.4 mIllion views

*4/22/19: Politico/Morning Consult Poll: Trump APPROVAL drops to 39%

*4/22/19: "Pelosi in Dem Conference call: "If the facts take us to impeachment, we have to go there..
judiciously.." -- USA Today

*4/19/19: "..Shadow over Trump Presidency" -USA Today "Dems aim fury at Barr's ...Report." --CNN
House Dems Subpoena Full Report " --NYTimes "Impeachment on 'our Doorstep'" --Ocasio Cortez -- NBC News

*4/19/19: Sara Sanders Admits to Statement 'not founded on anything.'" CNN [one incidence of a COVER UP of Trump incmpetence, treason by Him and Staff since the beginning!]-- LS

*4/18/19: REPORT: "Trump said at start of Mueller's special counsel: 'This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me.. Oh my God! This is the end of my Presidency!'"

REPORT on a Fake Presidency: "If we had found evidence that TRUMP committed NO crime, we would have SAID so!"  

REPORT: "evidence.. [TRUMP] directed [Rosenstein thru McGahn] to have Mueller removed..'Mueller has to go.'" "That's more attempted obstruction of justice, legal or illegal." --LS

REPORT: "Trump's son, Don, had direct contact with Wiki leaks during 2016 eclection."

REPORT Trump publicly ASKED Russia to interference in election..his election team cheered them on." That's close enough to treason; and failure to faithfully execute ..[his] duties. --LS

Barr: "Mueller wrote the report for me." Many Constitutional layers and reporters say it was written for the USA. "Barr, assistant to dictator, Trump! This may drop base to 25-30%." --LS

*4/5/19: "Barr's summary (opposing 80% of US citizens) OFFICIALLY makes the DOJ into the DOINJUSTICE! Comey STARTED the PROCESS with his 10/28/16 public letter (reviving Hillary emails) making an election ILLEGAL(wiki), resulting in an illegal Presidency.

Try REDACTIONS of ACTIONS! : A. DECLARE last 10 days of 2016 Election VOID!, B. 2.3 Yrs of Trump Administration actions: VOID! This is the most obscenely UNDEMOCRATIC, INHUMANE Period since the last 3 YRS of the Vietnam War!  Only Just ACTIONS Void Injustice Actions!

1st RULE: Never underestimate your enemy! BELIEVE Trump!!! (when he talks about HIMSELF and POWER) : "I have the police and the bikers on my side." [and the US Armed Forces] (2019). "I will use ANY means neccessary to STAY in POWER!" (2017) 

The 2020 Election (on HIS word) will NOT DEFEAT him. He will call on the US Military for ultimate power! The media and the people are too excited about elections to notice all THREE, on his word, are forever OVER! Trump worships himself! End of story! End of media power! End of people power! End of Democratic elections" -- L.S. Heatherly (Caps added)

*4/4/19: Some on Mueller's team say MUELLER Report was "acute ..with ALARMING amd significant evidence of obstruction of justice...Had its OWN summary intended for PUBLIC release. --ABC News

*4/1/19: KAMALA HARRIS raised 12 Mil in 1st quarter of Campaign."

*4/1/19: KAMALA HARRIS Returns Storming: Into the Heart of Labor! 
"Oh, it is so great to be home; and in the House of Labor! ..So let's SPEAK TRUTH..[our] economy is NOT working for working people..a minimum wage..full-time.. worker CANNOT afford ..a one bedroom apartment..Last year, 12 million Americans borrowed..$400 from a payday lender..often at 300% interest..[so] I am proposing for families making less than $100k / yr, a $12k tax break.. to $500 / mo. (Economists: the "largest middle class tax break in generations". Let's SPEAK TRUTH. many teachers are working 2 or 3 jobs to pay the bills...

There are 2 groups raising our CHILDREN: (a) parents (could be Gparents, Aunts, Uncles) and (b) teachers. And we are not paying them their value! We've got to get correct on that! [So] I am proposing closing the teacher pay gap, which is currently $13,500 / yr. And people always say "how we gonna pay for that?" I 'll tell you : On DAY ONE, we're gonna repeal that tax bill they passed benefiting the TOP 1% and corporations! THAT'S HOW were gonna pay for it! (Midst standing ovation) They DON"T need that money! Our PEOPLE need that money!" 

So, LET"S SPEAK TRUTH: the unions of America built America's middle class! ..Some are trying to call unions a special interest group. That's a game they're playing. We have some education to do: Unions MADE the middle class! People HAVE a 5 DAY work week...HAVE sick leave..People HAVE an 8 hour work day..HAVE safe working conditions Because of UNIONS! (midst cheers) Turning, with joy, ( to others back stage) ..and I love you, I thank you! I thank you! ....(to audience) Listen, I believe you can judge a society based on how it treats its children! And one of the greatest expressions of a society's love for [them] is putting resources in the hands of those caring for children...investing in our collective future! California Union Legislative Conference (Caps added)

*9/24/19: DOJ Rules: "..if you don't charge,.keep quiet! ..don't [criticize] people you're unwilling to CHARGE. That's .. what Comey did to Hillary .. He killed Hillary Clinton over the summer of 2016, WITHOUT being willing to charge her! That's wrong! ..NOT what the Justice Dept. does! -- Chris Christe, This Week, ABC (Caps added)

"IT IS MORE than WRONG; it is ILLEGAL to 'spread misleading info [that will influence] the outcome of an election.' (- Wikipedia) Comey made Trump an illegal President. A fake President! Swear him in everyday! His illegality as President remains! Fake! Formality of swearing in: is mute. -- L.S. Heatherly

*3/19/19: Two new Polls: KAMALA Harris up to 12% -- CNN, and CBS in SF area. Beta O'Rourke
at 11%. Also. 33% and 51% of Dems favor Sanders and Biden respectively, over "someone else.

"Beta is running with Bobby K's and Trump's 'for Himselfism.' Prediction: Trump will
decline to Debate Kamala (out of fear); if still in Office." Kamala towers! CA will show it.-- LS

*3/9/19: CNN 2020 Power Rankings..I'ts now or never for Democrats who want to be President
-- By Cillizza and Enten.. The 9th month of these rankings shows:

1. Kamala Harris: (top spot for 5 months now). Continues a nearly flawless campaign..
2. Joe Biden: No one confounds us more. (Previous rank, 3).
3. Bernie Sanders: We've been notably skeptical of Sanders... (Previous rank, 6.)
4. Beto O'Rourke: (previous rank: 3).
5. Amy Klobuchar: Her announcement in a near blizzard was epic..(Prvious rank, 7).
6. Cory Booker, New Jersey's junior senator. (previous rank, 5)
7. Elizabeth Warren: when offically entered..wasn't all that much buzz..(Prev. rank 4).
8. Julian Castro: the only major Latino candidate..(previous rank, 8).
9. Kirsten Gillibrand: Junior Sen. from NY.. just hasn't caught on yet..(Prev. rank 9.)
10.Jay Inslee: Basically., a crisis of climate change candidate. (Prev, Unranked).
(See 1/21, 1/22, and 2/15/19 posts on Kamala Harris)

*3/4/19: House Juciciary Com ..sweeping investigation .,Trump's campaign, businesses, transition, and administration.,81 people and entities have 2 weeks to respond. -- CNN

*2/25/19: Kamala HARRIS moves swiftly to build juggernaut in home, Ca, having more than 400 delegates..audacious .. to deal a mortal blow to.. rivals in Dem Primary." --NBC News

*2/25/19: Schiff to AG Barr: "When complete,.make Mueller report public.. [or] we'll subpoena it ..with underlying evidence, have Mueller testify, take it to court, if needed." --Twitter

*2/15/19: 3 KAMALA HARRIS Endorsements:

*California Govenor, NEWSOM, Endorses Kamala Harris for President: 
"I am very enthusiastic about Kamala Harris,. known her for decades..worked with her..extraordinary..America couldn't do better.!" -- Kris Hayes MSNBC

*Barabara Lee, D- Ca. and former Pres of CBC: "Harris ..continues fight for equality, fairness..dignity."

*Delores Huerta, a legendary labor organizer and cofounder of United Farm Workers:

Kamala Harris "her entire career.. has fought for the help first time offenders get education, job training, avoid recidivism ..demanding protection for immigarant communities and.. opportunities to contribute to the country they love."

*2/15/19: Pelosi and Shumer: ".President's [FAKE] emerdency does great violence to our constitution, makes US less safe,.steals US defense funds..violates [Constitutional ] power of purse..congress will defend its authorities in Congress, in courts, in public, using every remedy available." --NPR

"The ROOT emergency? 2 Years of a Fake Presidency: every action taken is FAKE! This fakery only ENDS when we have a LEGALLY elected President! Comey and the media found the 10-28-16 emails entertaining! --LS "election- affect of a nuclear explosion." -- Princton Election Consortium, 2017.

And 'we are programmed by entertainment to be victims of the super-rich! (-- LS in 1993 or '94 stage of book manuscript: The Last Human Spring)

*2/13/19: Dems and Republicans warn Trump about Declaring Emergency [when there is no emercency] ! - CNN "That does violate the 'seperation of powers'" Pennetta PBS NewsHour

*2/1/19: "Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is the leader of Dems and Progressives..everybody knows it, everybody feels it..she could CRUSH Trump..{but, not old enough}..will be only 30 by 1/20/20..need to lower the minimum [Pres } age to 30! -- Michael Moore  

"Right On! A.O. Cortez for VP! Would uplift 'for the people' and human spirit globally! DOWN with robots and AT! UP with natural humanity's love and common sense! -- LS

*1/30/19: Mueller siezes 'voluminous' evidence against Roger Stone. -- MSNBC

*1/25/19: Gov Opens for 3 Weeks. "Total Victory for the Dems.. history says: likely to stay open.. Trump approval at 34-37%, lowest ever...Roger Stone was Nixon supporter to end."-- Shields and Brooks, PBS News Hour "Stone unvailed as he looks: like a juvenile delinquent for decades." -- LS

*1/22/19: KAMALA HARRIS raised 1.5 MIL from small doners 1st 24 HRS. -- Slate

*1/21/19: Sen KAMALA HARRIS announces 2020 presidential run. --YouTube 

Yours Truly 5 months ago: "Who is Kamala Harris? After 5 hours of reading and

videos; this conclusion: "This woman should be President of the USA!

Never loved any politician or President; but LOVE this woman! (And AOCortez, too!)

"Harris exudes love in conversations; because most people that have worked for/with
her, have loved her and been loved! She has no bio children; and is giving that
deep primordial spirit-love -- to have and love children -- giving it to and for the people.

Pride in apolitical writings ended (i.e. this blog): when Comey threw the 2016 election to Trump by "distributing misleading info in order to affect the outcome of an election." --Wikipedia on illegal elections. (On 10/26.16, Comey made more Hillary emails public).

Votes those last 10 days went by 4% to Trump! "Enough to make the difference in Mich, Penn, Wisc, and Florida."-- Princeton Election Consortium and many media entities, as well as, top pollsters for Hillary and Trump in a long Dec. 2016 meeting to examine what happened? " --LS

*1/15/19: 2020 DEM PRIMARY Poll: Kamala Harris 1st, Elizabeth Warren 2nd, Sherrod Brown 3rd. --Rolling Stone  

Harris can PROSECUTE Trump 
In the COURT of Public Opinion, 
Take an early delegate lead ! 
And not look back! 
Finally, a Presidential Blessing
For USA, our People, and The World!

-- L.S. Heatherly

*1/17/19: " 57 % of voters say they won't support Trump in 2020." -- PBS NewHour

*1/11/19: "Trump is saying: 'the People OWE their JOBS to ME; they must pay in sufferings, illnesses and deaths, until I get want I want'. The autocrat in him is being forced out upon the people; upon the US Government! Will he call out the armed services to enforce his will -- when the protests get really big? 

He would love a civil war! Right here! Right now! Before (or after) Mueller and Dems inflict more damage to his power!. He would happily rule merely over the red states! A nation-empire, at last! Laughable you say? Most laughed at Trump until Comey swung him the WH! Hopefully he will be defeated; and declare it victory; one of his delusional traits!."--LS

*1/6/18: Adam Schiff: "Trump ..painting himself into a corner..can't use emergency powers to build a wall.." -- CNN

*1/6/18: Mueller Garnd Jury [investigation] extended fot 6 more months! -- Sources

*12/26/18: "Trump APPROVAL rating back down to its lowest: 39%" -- MSNBC Live

*12/24/18: Adam Schiff: Dems are prepared to force Mueller Report to go Public. --CNN

*12/20/18: Fmr Sec Def., Cohen: Trump "has taken a wrecking ball" to every pillar of stability we have erected the past 70 years. --CNN "And a wrecking ball to poor and middle class well-being." --LS

*12/21/18: Livid, Defence Sec MATTIS rebukes Trump in resignation letter. -- Many Sources

*12/19/18: "TRUMP Foundation DISSOLVES after AG Underwood's verdict: 

"a shocking pattern of illegality..

UNLAWFUL coordination with Trump Presidential Campaign...

repeated and willful SELF-DEALING and much more..

little more than a check book to serve Mr. Trump's business and political interests." (Caps added)

*12/14/18: "Trump was in the room..shaping up to be [Trump's] CRIMINAL conspiracy. --

*12/9/18: Repubs are seeing an admin under alot of judicial, legal, political threat..see a WH Counsil's Office denuded of authority and people...the membrane around Trump (to protect himself from really hurting himself) is frailing ..

see him maybe NOT SERVING out his's possible the WHEELS may be COMING OFF the whole thing.

Barr, a Repub figure, respected..great pedigree..does he become Eliot Richardson too!..who resigned rather than fire the special council..setting off Nixon's SATURDAY NIGHT massacre! -- David Brooks, PBS NewsHour (Caps added)

*12/6/18: "Saudis Spending Money at Trump Hotels VIOLATES CONSTITUTION." (caps added) 

*12/6/18: "Maryland AG files suit aganst Trump for VIOLATING EMOLUMENTS clause." (caps added) --MSNBC

*9/3/18: Mueller building ..conspiracy case,.. likely to to ensnare Trump and Family." -- USA Today

*11/28/17: Trump's FANTASY Presidency enters REALITY! 
A world deeply rooted in truth and fairness. 
We follow our hearts! Truth will out another fantasy presidency! 

Happening in USA! World's leading fantasy- science-technic- fiction culture!  
Trump and backers: entering an older human terrain -- more rooted, and defiant!

Give thanks to human heart! 
Shun greed of corporate brain!
Spark! Free World!
Bring Child's dream!

A False God's tongue: 
"My gut tells me more than anybody's brain!"

Humanity's answer: 
Your gut seeks power over peoples and nations!
Over all of human heart's creations

All civilization's fall to Earth-Human roots, suckling intergrown realities! 
Viva Earth-Life! Viva Earth-Peoples!" -- L.S. Heatherly

*11/27/18: "Manafort has been lying to us..double dealing...essentially a back door to the Trump Legal team" --Adam Schiff ..Mueller will present evidence of this to a Judge."  -CNN

Trump's disapproval rating jumps to 60%..approval 38%-- Gallup Poll

*11/22/18: Adam Schiff: "Dems will investgate Trumps Saudi ties." CNBC

*11/13/18: "Adam Schiff to Whitiker: We [House Dems] are watching will be called to answer for any obstruction of justice" -- Various Souces

*11/11/18: "Dems score Blowout in House; and gain more state govs since 1982. Dems chart investigations into Trump's actions - MSNBC

"LADY, see clearly now, Trump's reign is gone! 
All of Trump's dark dealings: he'll have to pay. 

Gonna chart a bright fight for fair, minded ways. 
Gonna be some bright light for people some day!"

Look all around, heart rings of blue ties! 
Look straight ahead , looking for truth- highs! -- L.S. Heatherly

*11/1/18: "Democrats Vs. Lies: ..Fighting a Pres that won't tell the truth." MSNBC Lawrence O'Donnell - The Last Word - YouTube ( 251,198 views, 9/4/18

*10/29/18: USA Today/Suffolk Univ Poll: 35% voting against Trump; 23% support Trump. Early Turnout SHATTERS records! --

*10/29/18: Trump's approval rating drops 4 points last week.." Bloomberg, sfgate

*10/19.18: Dems should push that the US has lost its reputation, its moral leadership,
in the world. -- David Brooks, PBS .."will take years to recov-er" - Many Sources

*10/19/18: Trump family regularly deceived investors to make profits in real estate. -- ProPublica

*10/9/18: "Dems hold 13 Point Lead in latest Midterm Polls." O'Donnell MSNBC

*10/8/18: The FBI (DEA and CIA) gives polygraphs to every person before hiring (Vox).
Apparantly congressmen and Supreme Court nominees MAKE the laws; and are
ABOVE the polygraph test-- regarding crime-accusations." -- LS

*10/6/18: "Kavanaugh lied under oath: is an ILLEGAL Supreme Court Judge! He joins an ILLEGAL President Trump (Comey 'distributed misleading info in order to affect the outcome of an election' -- Wikipedia on illegal elections). " -- L.S. Heatherly

*9/29/18: "Kavanaugh rant ..questions ..his political impartiality." Hist, Mike Beschloss

*9/29/18: Kavanaugh college friends.." he lied under oath about drinking."--The Last Word

*9/28/18: Amaerican Bar Assoc.. calls for Senate to postpone Kavanaugh Vote." -- Washington Examiner

*9/26/18: Pelosi and Dems hold News Conference to support Diane Blasey Ford. --Wash Post

*9/26/18: Dems and Feinstein: "direct FBI to investigate ..or withdraw Kavanaugh.."--NPR

*9/26/18: [3rd] accuser ,Julie Swetnick: HS..girls were drugged and 'gang raped'..with Kavanaugh and Mark Judge present." --CNBC

*9/26/18: " Attorney for 2nd accuser: .."This must be investigated by FBI" --Politico

*9/26/18: 3 Yale Law Classmates who endorsed Kavanaugh call for Investigation into sexual misconduct claims --Washington Post

*9/21/18: "If the 2016 election were.. today, Clinton would get 44% to Trrmp's 36%..of popular vote...The official 2016 tally was Clinton, 48.2% to Trump, 46.1%" -- Hill.TV-Harris Polling

*9/21/18: "A plurality of voters oppose Kavanaugh's nomination..." -- CNBC

*9/20/18: "There are FBI agents that do NOTHING BUT interview sex crime victims." NBC News
[caps added] "But Trump must request it; otherwise, IF there was an attempted rape.."

"Trump is covering up a crime by not wanting to find out if there was a crime committed. He is not obstructing, but is Blocking/Refusing an investigation into an alleged crime. He has moved beyond obstruction to Blocking and Refusing justice! 

Part of Justice is investigating to determine if a crime occured. Trump and friends are REJECTING THIS part! of Justice" -- LS

Mark Judge, (present at the time) : a later quote: "The wonderful beauty of uncontrollable male passion."

*9/19/18: Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before testifying. --CNN

*9/17/18: Senate Repubs cannot impartially investigate..disturbing allegations...must be the FBI..and vote must be postponed until it is complete." -- Chuck Schumer

*9/17/18: Kavanaugh played a key role...Star Report..which urged the Impeachment of Bill Clinton --

*9/17/18: Woman (HS classmate): "I was afraid he [Brett] might inadvertantly kill me..was attacking..trying to pull my cloths off. Lie Detector: "she was telling the truth." Dems call for investigation. --Washingtom Post "If he can't pass lie detector: it is her TRUTH over his Power. --LS

*9/14/18: Manifort Pleads Guilty; will co-operate with Mueller. -- Multple Sources

*9/10/18: "Multiple Grounds for Impeachment.."--Allen Lichtman, American Univ.

*9/4/18: "Woodword's Book FEAR: Trump in the Whitehouse reveals 'Crazytown' in ..White House." --CNN Carl Berstein: ""Trump Presidency is a national emergency." --CNN

*8/31/18: Trump's DISapproval 53% a new high..approval, 36%...49% Favor Impeachment..46% oppose Impeachment ..57% of women favor impeachment ... high for President Clinton was 41%." --ABC-Washington Post Poll "Looks like Women may still save the US from the Male-Ego : its oppressive and greedy nature. (and Trump's egomania)" --LS

*8/30/18: "..1982; Trump LIED to get on 1st Forbes 400-- worth only 2 million ..but counted Dad's 100 million as his; to FRAUDulently induce people to give him funds they would otherwise not.." .-- So Much Winning - Daily Show YouTube 2,000,000 views in 3 days

*8/30/18: [As rich get richer] "Trump cancels pay raises for federal workers." -- NBC  
"Mythical trickle downs end: at THIS billionaire's desk!" -- LS

*8/28/18: Dershowitz: "can't compel {Trump} to.. special counsel; but can compel
grand jury..Trump-lawyers will oppose; ... courts will decide.." --WashingtonExaminer

*8/23/18: "Trump's Troubles Are Just Getting Started...almost surreal..Manifort conviicted of fraud...Cohen told a federal court...that [Trump] ordered him to VIOLATE laws by paying hush money... a dramatic escalation of LEGAL Peril for [Trump] ..Watergate is the analogous event ." -- The Atlantic (Caps added)

*8/21/18: "Manafort found guilty on 8 counts! A mistrial declared on 10 counts." --CNN

*8/21/18: "Cohen surrenders to FBI; pleads guilty to 8 counts ..says "to influence 2016 election" [--] to silence Stormy Daniels and Karen MacDougal." --CNN

*8/14/18: "Trumps's Sabatoge of ObamaCare is Illegal...he swore (Article II) to "take care that the laws be FAITHFULLY executed".. to act reasonably good faith".. not [commit] the deliberate SABATOGE of an Act of Congress..

the President has consciously taken aim [and action], in bad faith, to consciously DESTROY Congress' handiwork." -- Profs Nickolas Bagley and Abbe R. Gluck - Opinion ,NY Times {Caps added)

**8/14/18: "Tom Steyer to spend 10 Million... Impeaching Trump is a patriotic act." -- Multiple sources

*8/14/18: "Trump firing Sessions would lead to Impeachment." -- Rep Swalwell

*8/10/18: WikiLeaks Hit with DNC lawsuit -- [via] Twitter accusing the site, Trump campaign and Russia of ..swinging the 2016 election [to Trump]."

*8/8/18: Schmidt: "This is going to be a very bad year for Republicans at the Midterms." --Deadline MSNBC

*8/7/18: "..Probably see indictments of Trump Jr and Kushner..conspiracy to affect election..if it walks like ..swims..and quacks like a duck, its a duck." -- Rep Steve Cohen Dem TN -- CNN

*8/6/18: "27 Mental Health Professionals: "..President is SICK and DANGEROUS.." -- "The Dangerous Case Of Donald Trump" Trump: "The Fake News is sick..can also cause War."

"How have dictators present and past seized power? By use of Armed Forces! Will Trump use US Armed Forces to sieze the Power he longs for!" -- LS

*8/3/18: "Walls are closing in on Trump." Erin Burnett on Manifort's trial. CNN Youtube

*8/2/18: "This is a tale of two White Houses. Trump defenders can't keep their story straight." -- Anderson Cooper, CNN

*7/31/18: "There is credible evidence that the Presdient of the US has committed obstruction of justice; and possibly a conspiracy to undermine our elections." -- US Senator, Richard Blumenthal MSNBC, Rachel Maddow

*7/31/18: " 'Collusion is not a crime,' says Trump -- but, lawyers say, conspiracy is: two or more people came to an agreement...[to commit] a crime..each took an overt act [toward a crime]...the agreement itself is a crime (criminal conspiracy) ... not [just some resulting] completed crime... [italics added]

Conspiracy [to commit crime] provides a shared and precise grounding {on whether] the President and his close associates have broken the law." -- Harry Litman CNN

*7/29/18: "Cohen says Trump knew about [his sons, Manafort, et al] 2016 meeting with Russians
who promised dirt on Hillary.."-- several News Outlets

*7/25/17: CNN News: "WH deletes Putin's admission at Press Conference -- that he wanted Trump
elected -- this deleted from the official record:
Q: "President Putin, did you want President Trump to win the election? And did You direct any of your officials to help him do that?" Putin: "Yes I did. Yes I did." ( Putin's words were witnessed by millions watching!!!!! ) "He who controls the past, controls the future. [by rewriting the past]." -- LS

And the Orwellian nightmare continues: Trump: "the Russians [in] the upcoming election, will be pushing very hard for the Democrats. They definitely don't want Trump." -- CNN

*7/22/18: "The depth of subordination of the President to.. Russian president is, now, no longer in question..we all see it happening..don't know how it came to be, but know what it means ..this dynamic effectively controlling [our] president.. -- Rachel Maddox, MSNBC, YouTube  

"Trump belongs to/with Putin-- not to/with the People of the US. He is representing strong-man leaders all over the world. Any semblanse of the democratic spirit is part of the whole, big con. --LS

*7/16/18: ..stunning to see what a complete surrender of [US] interests and values [by the President standing side by side with Putin]" -- Adam Schiff

*7/16/18: "Dems and GOP rebuke Trump over weakness with Putin... Putin sees Trump as a 14 Yr-old, seeking Putin's help against Nato, the E Union and US Democracy-- because he iS just THAT! And he counts on Putin's help in 2018 and 2020 elections." -- LS

*7-6-18: Giuliani: "Mueller can interview Trump if he can prove [Trump] committed a crime."
-- Vox

*7/5/18: "Mueller Taps More Career Prosecutors to Help with Growing Trump Probe -- Bloomberg

*7/6/18: "Cohen Hires FMR Clinton ATTY. Lanny Davis." -- MSNBC

*7/6/18: "Special Council Mueller ..looking into Trump's Inauguration.." USA Today

*7/2/18: Cohen: "To be crystal clear, I put my family and country first." -- ABC News

*6/26/18: "By a Fluke, Voters Elected an imbecilic Con Man." -- Bill Schmidt MSNBC

*6/26/18: "George Will Says to Vote against GOP This November" -- MSNBS

*6/26/18: "Mueller to Zero in on Trump-Russia Collusion Allegations" -- MSNBC

*6/14/18: US INSPCTOR GENERAL (16 month- long INVESTIGATION) reports:

COMEY "made SERIOUS ERRORS in the FBI's Clinton 2016 Email investigation

It was"EXTRAORDINARY and INSUBORDINATE ..that Comey refused to tell his DOJ bosses what he would say at his 7/5/16 news conference charging Clinton was 'extremely careless" in handling of highly classified info ...

Comey "VIOLATED long standing Department PRACTICE and PROTOCOL since Clinton was not being gharged..." -- ABC Evening News"

"COMEY was WRONG to go PUBLIC on the [Oct 28 ] Clinton [email] news; while remaining silent on the DOJ's Russian investigation, swirling around candidate Donald Trump, accusing Comey of REJECTING LONGSTANDING [FBI] POLICY {of being nuetral on Candidates]."

"We.. found Comey had USURPED THE AUTHORITY of the Attorney General [the DOJ makes CHARGES.. the FBI only INVESTIGATES] . -- ABC Evening News (Caps added)

*6/13/18: "US aims for N Korea's major disamamament within 2 and 1/2 YRS.." --Pompeo

" N. Korea Deal! Not exactly what CON-MAN Trump has been touting for weeks! A wizard behind a curtain of egomania, lies, greed and celebrity! Many spoken only details! A sham-publicity, re-election deal!! More evidence of failing to execute the duties his Office.

"With a President like Trump, democracy doesn't need enemies like Putin.They are close to indistinguishable in greed, desires, cons, and views of social fairness."-- LS

*6/12/18: "Sourses: Cohen ..fires lawyers..high legal fees..will ,now,likely flip." --ABC news

*6/2/18: Giuliani threatens legal battle with Mueller over subpoena. --ABC News

*6/2/18: Trump lawyers to Mueller: President can end probe; use pardon." -- USA Today

*5/30/18: "Mueller's obstruction of justice probe..bigger than we realized." --Washington Post

*5/29/18: "Giuliani is missing the critical point: ..'there was no collusion' [Mueller's mandate is very broad] "Giuliani is booed on his birthday at Yankee stadium." --New Day

*5/7/18: Joint NY Timees and Washington Post report: 
"publicly available data: ..perfectly clear that Trump's business empire is dirty.. dirt.. that leads directly into the national security threat that produced Mueller's investigation [at outset]." -- NY Magazine

*5/5/18: "Look at Juliano's incessant Smile! He's as full of self-power-greed as Trump and Comey!
Three for the Road! One out of the FBI! Two headed out of the White House! " -- LS

*5/5/18: "What is going on in our heads when we let [2016 election] happen, you know!"
-- Michelle Obama at Women's Summit

*4/16/18: Coming: The Questions G. Stephanopoulos, (4/16/18), Judy Woodruff( 4/30- 5/1/18
and others did NOT ask Comey. One's well-being is at stake if asked here.

*4/11/18: "Ryan's retirement.. increases the chances..Trump will be impeached" -- CNBC

*4/11/18: "Senate Judiciay Chair, Grassley, warns Trump ..It would be suicide to fire Mueller " --MSNBC

*4/10/18: "Trump never closer to firing Mueller than right now. -- CNN

*4/10/18; F.B.I. Raids office of Trump's longtime lawyer Michael Cohen..calling it an attack on our country" -- NY Times "This nmeans he would call in Federal troops to stay in Power. He has gotten crazier the longer he has power" as Yours Truly predicted.

*4/1/18: Republican stategist's warning about Trump Probe: 'The Storm is coming.' Castallanos: 'GOP likely to lose House, Trump may be impeached.' -- Market Watch

*3/30/18: From Mueller to Stormy to 'emoluments,' Trump's business ..under siege. -- The Washington Post. "Stormy throws punch, Trump down on 1 knee; entering ring: Mueller lawyers, Maryland and DC Lawyers! Trump attacks Amazon on TAXES? Perhaps the decisive round in fight for the Presidency?" -- LS

*3/29/18: "..Things are escalating pretty rapidly..we don't have a State Dept, 3of top 10 roles are vacant and 1 of those filled is by a Fox and Friends co-host...we have basically one person running our country...Republicans refuse to put him in check." -- Ami Siskind, The List

*3/27/18 "Trump said mos ago that he would use all his powers to remain President. He has recently
been assemling a "War Cabinet" to quote a news source about Bolten They've never impeached a president during a war. -- L.S. Heatherly

*3/27/18: "Senate Dems ask DOJ to Protect Mueller from Trump." - Rachel Maddox MSNBC

*3/21/18: "Rebublicans Start Talking Impeachment." -- MSNBC The 11th Hour


Students Walking Toward Life

Fake Times, they are deranging;
Love's Kinds, we'll be regaining.

Gun rights must END 
Where our lives BEGIN!  

We are the FUTURE; 
You, the Decaying.

WE are the Rising;
YOU are the Falling.

WE are Life's Giving;
You are Life's Taking.

You are Corp- Money;
We are Life-Honey!

You are Power's Girth;
We, Heart's Re-Birth.

Gun-Love's one path
Real Loves out last.

The Guns are Ego's Thrusts
Our Heart's are Human-Trust.

Fake Times, they are deranging;
Love's Kinds, we'll be regaining

Copyright 2018 L.S. Heatherly

* * * * * * *

*3/14/18: "Strong Performance by Dem..Coner Lamb in Pennsylvania Shakes Trump and GOP" -- NYTimes Trump's Cloudy rise to Power to be followed by Crystal Clear fall from Office. -- LS

*3/11/18: The Trump Factor in Social Media? ORIGIN Survey: "half of people 18-24 have had enough of social media..34% say they've deleted all their accounts."

*3/10/17: Former Trump aide, Nunberg: "Russia Probe "is not a witch hunt." -- ABC News

^3/6/18: "'Man of mystery, Nader,..ties to Trump team cooperates with Mueller." -- CNN

*3/2/18: Analysis of Shields and Brooks on White House week of chaos, PBS News Hour:
Judy Woodruff: "What matters in all of this?" Shields: "..chaos in the WH is bad for the US and Bad for the World. .there's no rational order..the moral in the WH is incredibly low...this is a Civil War in a Leper sense of direction...there's no preparation.. it's all act on the whim of the President."  

David Brooks: "..can't think of a precedent.. incompetent staff, or no staff, and an unstable and incompetent President..R Briebus said that it's fifty times worse from the inside than from the outside. The key thing that stands out is that there are real world of [Trump's] staffers said that 'he made the decision because he became unclued.'..totally devoid of the entire process...and on top of that he [states] that 'a trade war is good and easily won' ...A concept that no historian and no economist of any stripe could say anything about other than that its crazy."

Judy: "So, Mark, how do we process this.. almost every day.. a new set of contrversies?" Shields: "I really don't know Judy; it's overload. It really is!..the one defence or consolation from supporters is that 'he doesn't really mean what he says.' That's supposed to be our consolation." Judy the Republicans are [telling him] 'this is not a good thing, we don't need a trade war.'"

Brooks: [Trump] has-- going back to the 1980s-- always felt that way: [war-like] 'if someone's winning; then, I'm losing.'" .....Shields: ..the NRA is not the 2nd Amendment; not sportsmen: It's a vile influence on our country."

*2/27/18; "Mueller moves to drop more than 20 criminal counts against former Trump Campaign Officials." --CNBC

*2/23/18: Gates pleads guilty. "Mueller is steadily working his way up the food chain." -- Esquire

*2/18/18: "America Is Under [Russian] Attack..the President doesn't Care." --The Atlantic
"He admires Putin's power too much to care-- Trump loves strongman Power." -- LS

*2/18/18: "Trump attacks everyone but Russia." -- Politico

*2/14/17: "Trump can fire ,Mueller, but he can't fire a Grand Jury." -- Politico

*2/7/18: News out of WH "Trump thinks he can beat Mueller at his own Game.. 
he wants to sit down with him.." -- CNN 

"Trump promised many things "fast" He's done 1 or 2 slow! Executive destructions on
the people and public lands are failures! He's delusional; he's not President! He was 
elected via an illegal action. On 10-28-16 Comey did "distribute misleading information 
in order to affect the outcome of an election." (Wikipedia) Comey swung it to Trump!
Princeton Election Consortium Study, both chief pollsters, et al.)" -- L.S. Heatherly

*2/3/18: "Trump Vs the FBI :memo releasse stirs firestorm over Russia probe." -- and YouTube

*2/1/18: Pelosi: .."Nunes took 'deliberatly dishonest actions' altering unfit  
as chair [of House Intelligence Committee]." -- Associated Press

*2/1/18: "Trump sees Nunes memo as a way to discredit the Russia investigation." -- CNN

*2/1/18: "Trump squares off with [Chistopher Wray] a (new) FBI Director. ..getting close
to the point of no return with his [picked] replacement [for Comey]." -- CNN

*2/1/18: "Trump Rissia: Republicans 'materially altered' memo ob FBI." -- BBC

*1/31/18: Trump is on a Nixonian collision course with the FBI." -- CNN

*1/31/18: "Trump-FBI fued over .. memo erupts into open conflict." -- Washington Post

*1/27/18: "We may very well be seeing the end of the Trump Presidency...Trump 's attempt to fire Mueller in June,. --Neal Katyal on MSNBC

*1/26/17: "It's Now Likely Mueller Thinks Trump Obstructed Justice." -- Politico

*1/20/18: "Government shuts down on One-Year anniversary of Trump Presidency" --CBS
"He was never President! Election+ Oath+ Uphold Constitution + Executing Duties = Presidency!
1. Comey "distributed misleading info affecting the outcome to Trump -- Princeton Election Consortium-- ( an illegal election-- Wikipedia). See 4/25/17 Update of Nov. 9, 2016 Post
2. Trump failed many fold to uphold US Constition and ececute duties of the Presidency (this is illegal and High Crimes). 
3. Illegal election + unconstitutional President + Illegal duties = Fake President." -- L.S. Heatherly

*1/19/18: "Trump's base support is drip-by-drip dropping away." -- Mark Shields PBSNews

*1/11/18; "Trump frieds and aids warn him not to talk to Mueller." -- CNN*1/9/18: 

"Mueller's 'obstruction of justice case looks damning." --Vox

*1/5/18: Yours Truly in a public forum (12//16 or 1/17: "this selfish greedy, little boy.." -- LS

*1/3/17: From THE BOOK, "Fire and Fury" -- NY Daily News

An email circulated through the White House in April (purportedly representing N. S. Advisor, Gary Cohn: "It's worse than you can imagine. An idiot surrounded by clowns. Trump won't read one-page memos, brief policy papers; nothing. He gets up halfway through meetings with World Leaders because he is bored.. his staff is no better. Kushner is an entitled baby. Bannon an arrogant p---t that thinks he his smarter than he is. Trump is less a person than a collection of terrible traits...I am in a constant state of terror and shock" the email said. 

From THE BOOK, "Fire and FuryY" -- NY Daily News

Sec Of State Tillerson reportedly called Trump "a moron". For Treasury Sec., Mnuchin and C of Staff, Priebus, Trump was an "idiot. For Former Goldman Sachs' exec, Gary Cohn, Trump was "dumb as shit." For National Security Advisor, H.L. McMaster, Trump was "a dope." Even  Even Media Mogul, Rupert Murdoch hanging up the phone: "What a f--king idiot!"

*1/5/17: Author: .. "everyone around him said: it is like working with a little boy." -- PBS New

*1/4/18: From THE bOOK: "Trump didn't read, didn't even really skim. If it was print, it may well as not exist. Some [aides] believed him [practically] semi- literate...Problem: how to get info to a President that did not, would not or could not read..." -- MSNBC and PBS

"Trump bragged in school about not doing homework etc. etc. Trump is addicted to THINKING-- ABOUT how great he is as a President; and ABOUT how to attack the criticisms he hears about HIS GREATNESS. About how to Put Down others. His life and Presidency are about HIM, his greatness, NOW, in the Future, in History! All Emperers have held this deep belief. The USA is HIS empire, NOT the people's nation. It's about HIS Great Power! Period! -- LS
*1/4/18: Trump Tries and Fails to Block new Book: Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump Whitehouse. Trump
furious about the book's .. "words of dysfunction within WH, in Trump and WH Aides. -- NyTimes
*1/4/18: "Everyone in Trumpworld Knows He's an Idiot." -- Michael Goldberg Op Ed, Ny Times
*1/3/18: "Manafort Sues Mueller to Limit the Russia Investigation." -- Ny Times
*1/3/18: Trump Breaks with Bannon, saying "He's Lost His Mind."
81/3/18: Bannon calls Trump Jr's 2016 Meeting with Russians: 'Treasonous'" -Ny Times
*12/30/17: Republican Attacks on Mueller and FBI Open New Rift in GOP." Ny Times
*12/23/17: Trump Vows to Kill 50 Yrs of US Health and Safety Protections. "Were're getting back below the 1960 level." -- ALTERNET
*12/21/17: How Plutocracy works: 66% Oppose the new Tax Plan; but will suffer it. -- LS

*12/25/17: "HAPPY HOLIDAYS Trumpites: You've Screwed Democracy, Earth-Life and Humanity. Cold Hearts get One Year only!" -- The Peoples of the Living Earth.
*12/16/17: Pew- Monmouth poll: Trump 32% approval. FiveThirtyEight (all adults only) 35%.
*12/15/17: An unpopular Tax bill (only 1 / 3 approve) seals tight Trump's doom. His hardcore
base is still in decline." -- LS
*12/15/17: "If Trump Fires Mueller, We Must Impeach." -- The Nation
*12/13: Trump's ally Roger Stone fortells doom:.. Its painfully obvious Mueller will charge Trump. -- Newsweek
*12/13/17: Without 'good cause', Rosenstien would refuse to fire Mueller. -- Fox News
*12/11/17: "Republicans are getting set to cry "Fake Investigation! Whatever it takes 
to keep Them and Trump in Power. Our Party OVER the People! Democracy ends HERE
(What's left of it after 45 yrs of rising Plutocracy.)" -- L.S. Heatherly
*12/10/17: "Inside Trump's Hour-by-Hour Battle for Self-Preservation" -- NY Times
*12/10/17: "Nikki Haley Says Women Who Accuse Trump of Misconduct 'Should Be Heard'"
-- NY Times
*12/7/17: ..Flynn plea makes it difficult for Trump [to fire] Mueller...[would look like] a coverup..sparking a constitutional the Saturday Night Massacre [by] Nixon."-- Bloomberg Businessweek
*12/7/17: Coverup becomes stonewall. "Trump Jr declines questions on Russia related conversation with Father." -- Time *12/1/17: "Flynn Pleads Guilty to Lying to FBI..Will Cooperate with Russia Inquiry." -- NYTimes
*11/30/17: "Trump's Tax Plan is almost as great a hoax as the Trump Presidency itself." -- L.S. Heatherly
*/11/29/17: "It started as a Tax Plan..with false claims.. now it could change American Life [reduce democratic fairness, brotherhood, US Constitution and Humanity's Golden Rule. ]." -- NY Times
*11/28/17: "..Huck.. Sanders is a congenital 'Liar' that spews 'Horse Shit' for Trump." 
-- Newsweek 
"Ayn Rand made it smart to be greedy! Her 'single absolute' was greedy selfishness! Witness Trump, his Gang; and Comey's self-serving, Trump-serving toss of USA and Humanity into a salad of the selves. They wouldn't know a sociocultural chunk of meat, fish or chicken if they saw it! Seeing only the I and the financially expedient incorporations of the elite We's of that Iness, that Meism"  
"Trumpians hope his version of 5000 yr-old empirism (witness admired Putinism) can defeat infant American democracy."-- L.S. Heatherly
*11/28/17: "Flynn's lawyer meets special council's team, raising specter of plea deal." *11/22/17: Mueller has sights on Kremlin's Favorite Congressman, Dana Rohrabacher, over his Russian ties...has intersected with Trumpworld at critical points." -- Vanity Fair
*11/22/17: Justice Dept. Investigator's Are Circling Jared Kushner." -- Vanity Fair
*11/21/17: "Kushner Worried Mueller Will 'Get' Trump.'" -- Vanity Fair, and TheHill
*11/21/17: Mueller Probes Kushner's Contacts with Foriegn Leaders." --WSJ
11/20/17: "..this seems to me like..[Mueller] is just getting started." -- Randall Eliason, Law at
George Washington University, -- Washington Post
*11/18/17: "Mueller Issues Grand Jury Subpoenas for Trump's Campaign Documents" --MSNBC
*11/14/17: Six House Dems introduce articles of impeachment. -- The Hill
*11/13/17: The Secret Correspondence between D. Trump Jr and WikiLeaks." --The Atlantic
That same day: "Nothing Could be Further from the Truth." -- Mike Pense -- R Maddox

*11/12/17: "Trump is being 'played' by Russia's ..Putin. -- Ex- US intelligence chiefs" -- USA Today "Oh really! Putin easily knows Trump wants to BE what Putin IS: an authoritarian ruler! So, of course, Putin plays Trump like a fiddle! If Trump stays, the entertainment addiction-ethos wins as the highest value! Our Innate compassions, goodness, the golden rule: defeated by programmed addictions!

Trump is addicted to himself; citizens of the US et al. are addicted to entertainment-media per se. Hence, Global Corporations Rule Earth-life and Peoples! Love, peace, fairness, freedom: mere brief flashes in long, dark times of civilizaton's oppression of humanity and Earth-life. 
All is glorified by Corporate pen, media-tech, industry: artificial pleasures. 
Rank-Individualism kills family, community, Earth-life, and Humanity! Thusly, 
sociocultural, global addictions emerge to support individualism- Idolatry's power. -- LSH

*11/11/17: McCain slams trump over siding with Putin on Russia meddling." --CNN
*11/10/17: Mueller has enough on Flynn and son for an Arrest. -- Wall St Journald
*11/6/17: Howard Dean: "..likely.. Kushner will be indicted for money laundering...eventually the Flynns are going to plead guilty.. or cooperate for leniency.. next.. the Trump family itself.."
*/11/5/17: Trump approval at new low, 37%, lowest of post war era. 
-- CNN and Washington Post-ABC poll
*11/3/17: Donna Brazile; "#NeverSaidHillaryRiggedElection" -- Twitter
*11/4/17: "A source under {Mueller's] Russia investigation: "It's everyman for himself." -- CBS
*11/1/17: 'You Can't Go Any Lower': Trump is Apoplectic: Inside White House As [staff] Allies Fear Impeachment ..Trump at 30%, Gallup...can't go lower, He's Screwed." --
*10/31/17: Manafort and Gates confined by Court to home..tied to Russia in 2016 Campaign."
-- Rachel Maddox, YouTube
*10/31/17: Trump and allies are laying the groundwork for a Saturday Night Massacre." 
-- Washington Post
*9/30/17: Former Trump aide, Papadopoulos, pleads guilty to lying to FBI agents in Mueller Probe."
..."Papadopoulos offered to broker Putin Meeting during Trump Campagn stint." -- LA Times
*9/29/17: Schiff: Trump's Pardon Power Can't obstruct Mueller's probe." --NY Post
*9/29/17: Trump's Approval Drops to Record Low 38%..." -- NBC- Wall Street Jr Poll
*9/23/17: Trump Impeacment Efforts From Local Governments Are On The Rise." -- Newsweek
*9/20/17: "Why Obama and Bush synchronised attacks on Trump matter." --
*9/15/17: "Mike Pense Up to his Neck in Russia Scandal, loosing press secretary." -- MSNBC
*9/11/17: "Trump issues direct threat to the media." "Disgusting .. that the press can write anything it wants to write." -- CNN This is the stuff that dictators say!" "He is a long-time dreamer-- of being a dictator." LSH
*9/11/17: "I hate everyone in the White House" Trump advisers fear Trump is "UNRAVELING".
-- Vanity Fair *10/9/17: White House Expert: "Donald Trump Isn't Coming Out of Surgery. -- MSNBC
*10/9/17: Presidential loyalist: "Trump Presidency could be doomed." -- MSNBC*10/8/17: Trump... issues hard-line immigration principles, threatening 'dreamers'". -- Washington Post
*10/8/17: Bob Corker: "Trump's Recklessness Theatens World War III." -- NY Times
*10/5/17; Trump IS FAILING and White House is Covering It Up with Lies." -- Washington Post
*10/4/17: Tillerson calls news conference..then does NOT deny he called Trump a Moron. -- NBC
*10/1/17: "Though Out Of Power, Democrats are Winning the fight Pelosi Says." Ny Times
*9/29/17: Trump's Deadly Narcissism: .."can't ..focus on people's needs, even when that is the
core of his job... hundreds if not thousands die.." - Paul Krugman, NY Times
*9/28/17: "52% wish Obama was still president; 41% prefer Trump! Pub Policy Poll - Newsweek
*9/28/17: Quinnipiac University Poll: Trump Approval 32% Disapproval 62%
*9/25/17: "Ivanka Trump and 5 White House Top aids have used Private email for WH Business."
-- Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'donnelll
*9/24/17: Carl Bernstein: Russia Investigators are Closing In." ..Russia was deadly effective-- CNN
*9/24/17 Kim Jong Un Winning Verbal Spar withTrump: "Mentally Deranged US Dotard" 
*109/24/17: Trump's "North Korea won't be around much longer." is PROOF of Trump's mental imbalance. This statement alone is grounds for impeachment! Trump: "I love war." *9/19/17: Manafort Subject of 2 FISA Warrants." -- Rachel Maddox
*9/13/17: Hillary Clinton: "Absent that [Comey's 10/28/16 letter] I think the evidence shows I would have won." -- Today
*9/18/17: "Clinton Opens Door to questioning Legitimacy of 2016 Election." CNN *9/14/17: Hillary Clinton: "Russia story "Probably Bigger than Watergate." Anderson Cooper
*9/14/17; The Base will leave him.." [for deals with Democrats]. --Rep Steve King, Rep Iowa *9/13/17: "New revelations deepen NSA Mike Flynn Legal Jeopardy." -- Rachel Maddow MSNBC
*9/12/17: Trump exposed for lie About ..Business partner [in] Russia Deal." -- Rachel Maddow
*9/8/17: Mueller closes in on Trump's inner circle,..6 former and present staffers.." MSNBC
*9/6/17: "After months of denial, Facebook admits Russia-Tied Election Ad Buy." MSNBC
*9/3/17: With this screed, we have the VP, Pense, Rod Rosenstein and others involved in obstruction of justice. -- Jennifer Rubin, MSNBC
*9/3/17: "Twelve times Trump aids denied collusion with Russia." - CNN The Liar attracts others.
*8/31/17: "Mueller and NY AG working together on Manafort Probe" -- MSNBC
*8/27/17: "Trump.. sought a Trump tower in Moscow while he ran for President." CNBC
*8/25/17; Trump will resign before year's end [as in] "Nixon's Last Days'
*8/25/17: Trump will resign quicker than we think." -- Keith Oberman, GQ
*8/25/17 "Trump approval rating reaches new low at 35%" -- Newsweek
*8/25/17: "Mitch McConnell doubts that Trump can save his Presidency" -- NYTimes
* 8/23/17: James Clapper; "this makes a scripted speech, which is
good; then turns around and negates it... is very disturbing." Thesis+antithesis = nothing.
There's not much in his head but narcissism and lies seeking money and authoritarian power.
*8//23/17: Tenn Republcan Sen. Corker: "Trump ..not able to demonstrate stability, nor..needed competence..nor understands the character of this nation."
*8/23/17: House Speaker Ryan warns Trump not to shut down the Gov over border funding..
Senate minority Leader Schumer warns Trump...[on the same issue.] " CNN
*8/17/17: "Instead of a 'Soul" Trump has an open sore." -- Bill Moyers
*8/17/17: Another Congressman, Cohen, introduces Articles of Impeachment.
*8/17/17: Trump must be isolated. Resistance everyday. The end is near,
but must keep pressure high." -- Tony Schartz (Lawrence O'Donnell on Youtube)
*8/17/17: "Trump's presidency is effectively over..likely will resign by fall if not sooner." Tony Schartz
*8/17/17: "circle is closing with blinding speed, Trump is going to resign before Mueller and congress leave him no choice." Tony Schartz

*Update 8/9/17: "Enough with the politics; Congress needs to impeach Trump before he causes a nuclear war." -- Nate Lerner @NathanLerner
*Update 8/7/17: "Trump Has Elevated the art of fabrication." NY Times It is the chief
attribute of Trump's Presidency and of his lifelong career as conman.
*Update 8/7/17: Trump won [presidency] because he whines." --Charles Blow, NY Times
*Update 8/7/17: "As Mueller closes in, Trump prepares his base for the worst."
-- Washington Post
*Update 8/3/17: first week as President to Australian Prime Minister: "I am the
World's greatest person.." Judy Woodruff on PBS NewsHour
*Update 8/3/17: Mueller convenes a grand jury on Russia Probe...began its work weeks ago.." -- Rueters
*Update: 8/1/17Trump now directly implicated in trying to cover-up the Russian 
scandal." -- Washington Post

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