May 13, 2010

Child Development and Love Vs. Sociocultural Delusions

Child Development and Love Vs. Sociocultural Delusions

By L. S. Heatherly


A psychiatrist who once had a wide following died
April 27th of this year. Yours Truly knew nothing of
Stanley I. Greenspan. Reportedly, he was at the forefront
in the 1970s and beyond of a movement that saw human
interactions and loving relationships as the foundation
for a child's emotional and intellectual growth.

Looking around us today at the unprecedented
fragmentation, disintegration and surrogation, at the
the electronification, cyberization, virtualization,
of human interactions and loving relationships; we might
wonder, and need to ponder, what happened to this
restoration movement.

Gosh! How did he come to rediscover what was, once upon
the times, and in the family-village places, common sense!
What was, and is, the most loving essence of the human condition,
of human sociality, for eons! That, back then, it took an eminent
psychiatrist and a movement to inform us of this! To inform us that
human interactions and loving relationships are the central basis
for childhood development! And now, we have scarce hope of
restoring this traditional common sense

Just imagine, it took a movement to attempt the restoration
of the core basis of human culture and society! Could it be
that he saw all around him a deficiency in these! Imagine
that the movement failed; as it did. Now, imagine the
seemingly unimaginable! Imagine that we shall come
together to apprehend and embrace this vital common
sense! Imagine we cared and dared to know how and
why this movement failed!

Imagine that we shall rededicate our lives to restoring
the sanctity of natural childhood. Imagine that we shall
protect and defend our children's birthright to be the
children of Mother Earth and her natural, unadulterated
human nature, unfolding within a natural childhood.

It is sad and disturbing to see, to what new, lower levels
"genius" now falls in its artificial rise, its separation from the
natural human condition. Artificial genius, intelligence and
activities now accelerate their rise amidst the Modern fall
of natural intelligence, consciousness and activities. This
we, through formal education, loosely and recklessly
for over 150 years, now, call Progress. Oh, how we
desperately need more undegreed, independent thinkers
like Will Rogers, Thomas Paine and Jean J. Rousseau!

This is one hallmark of our Modern Tragedy, both marking
and exemplifying our Age. This unfortunate man midst
our pollutions of humanity, a genius by contemporary standards,
conceivably, died from more than "complications from a
stroke" -- a stroke merely involves the brain of a mere
human organism!

What about the man, the male, human being? What about
the man's heart, life, and spirit? How about reporting to
the public what happens to human beings during the
Modern process of dying! Tragically, such fuller
reporting is beyond what is considered appropriate;
it is forbidden!

Alas, only rare souls will dare to investigate true, natural
human living and dying -- to investigate what
human life really is; to investigate the sociocultural
follies that really are, increasingly, killing us! We who,
once upon true time and place, were full, whole human
beings in unity and sustainabilty within Earth-life!

Modernity's science and medicine want to report, and
impart to us, their knowledge of human tissue, cells, organs
and organisms! Whence the truthful and wise human
beings so commonly found in more natural and traditional
societies? Whence the plenitude of organic, communities,
in respectful obedience, knowledge and harmony
with evolved, human nature, culture midst all Earth-life?

Death from a broken heart is very conceivable, but
forbidden to utter: Its conceivable, even likely, to free
thinkers, that people get strokes, cancer and heart disease
from the progressive breaking of the human heart and spirit!
What, after all, is the deep source of Modern stress!

Could the real, deep, natural truth be that this man, who
saw the light concerning children's growth and well-being;
but, still, despite his heroic vision and work, had to endure
the ongoing pain of observing the ongoing decline of that
enlightenment he professed; and had to witness the
displacement, of those very human interactions and loving
relationships via the rise in artificial, electronic, cybernetic,
virtual, and diverse, unclose, nonloving forms of human
interactions, relationships and vicarious forms of
these! Could it be that he died of a broken heart and spirit!


Starting, perhaps in the 1980s, movies became filled with
scenes of parents and children saying the words,
"I love you." This reveals, to anyone willing and able to see,
that as the manifold acts of love are removed from our lives;
the need to assert love with words arises through the
subliminal awareness of love's declining presence in our
lives. Its nothing less than the verbalized denial of the
decline in the manifold acts and relationships of love.

This revelation is also the starkest indication that the Age
of Linguistics, and the hermenuetical thesis are false and
destructive to humanity. During the 80s, and earlier for
some, we arrived to where we could no longer completely
block and deny the decline in love. At some level, we
became aware of our social and cultural failure to love and
be loved as much as humans innately deserve.

Through our diverse, commercial oppressions,
we cannot walk the walks of love, cannot do the
manifold acts of love, cannot have the full
relationships of loving each other;

thus, we inevitably, try to compensate
for what is missing by saying
what should be happening.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Heart, Love and Mind

Love is phenomena of the heart, compelling actions;
Love, as phenomenon of the mind, remains ideas and words.

Love entails behavioral relationship,
it is behavioral embracement: growth of human being.

Love spoken as affirmation, may also act;
but entails, compels, or effects, via mere words, no sharing behavior.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

Original Sin: Rationalization of Love

We rationalize this false belief: the saying of love makes
it so, makes love there, where it rightfully should be:
in accordance with innate, natural, human nature, in
accordance with sustainable, natural human culture,
family, community, society, life way and Earth's human

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Life and Love
One does not have to verbally affirm true love,
when one has true, loving life!

We love, therefore, we are.

We live as humans be(ings),
therefore, we love.

All Rights Reserved 2010

1 comment:

Duke said...

Just discovered the blog what a joy. Love the book will continue to drop by this place.

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