Apr 14, 2010

Truth: Waitings and Countings

By L.S. Heatherly

Truth: Waitings and Countings

The truth has its countings that ring
Of what human story and consciousness would sing.
Ruffled of feather, She's a fettered, violated thing;
First Caged Bird, lifting no spirit on freedom's wing.

Emboldened 'neath swollen, infected societies,
Truth waits the countings of primal, human pieties:
She waits out slashing strikes of machine and pen;
Awaits re-emergence of red-blooded, green-minded men.

Down for counts, by blows; history's march is swift;
Truth is counted out, and buried by myth.
She waits out civil, anti-nature, of history's hoof;
Awaits ever-young nutrients of pristine youth,

Our Lady, commands all battles for liberty,
Secures her blessings: Earth's human, cultural body of We.
Through unpolluted, archetypal patterns of youth,
She wins primal, true relatings of humanity.

She sees Modern mind takes flight from natural light;
As high-tech art tunnels human seeing.
Innately false: its flashes invade the primal night;
As we await our re-becoming of human being..

She sows and waits: freedom's resprouting in her loam
To break-back-through to human nature's home:
To our growth-blueprint-matrix-medium-culture,
To innate, eco-socio-cultural-nurturings of love--our nurturome;

To our blueprints, our spelling bee of human right
The essential activities that read
The second book of human life,
Its timeless creed of social-cultural deed.

She awaits our discovery of her cognition-seeds:
In the "Book of Human Life":
Volume one: genome-brain-body,
Volume two: eco-social-cultural deeds--

From growth's sequences, selections, tellings,
Of Earth's human structures-functions-dwellings,

The habitat of eco-social-cultural youth,
The united, natural selections, the countings,
The creations, of Life's nature-human truth.

Copyright 2010 L. S. Heatherly

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