Mar 16, 2010

Circles of Life Vs. Civilization

By L. S. Heatherly

Whence cometh the idea we can make newness from

Newness, and the idea of it, overwelmingly originate as
civilization's, digressions from human life's natural, slow-
changing --natural adaptational, and selectional -- human
nature, being, spirit, reality, socioculture, well-being and

But, still, before the human species' recent 'civilized' departures
from natural, human evolution, the story of Earth-life's evolution
is itself a story of making new species out of (old) existing ones.
In the social mammals, primates, and especially human-primates,
it occurs through very slow, incremental selections for, and
adaptations to, changing physical and sociocultural conditions for
well-being, reproduction, and evolutionary sustainability.

In Earth's evolution of human species, natural radiation in the
atmosphere produces some new mutations in our DNA and
genes(the building blocks of organic life) joining some other,
earlier mutations stored for possible, beneficial need and use.
These new elements of matter are received into an inextricable,
interactive, bonded unity with eco-social-ontological-cultural
phenomena --our human nurturome --selected by the natural,
human family and extended family-community.

Thus, the beneficial, new genes, genome and other DNA related
(e.,g., epigenes) elements (newness) chosen by (Darwin's
or Darwinian) natural, material-organic-genetic selection for
participation in the material, human realm or world are received into
a unified field -- human self-life-world-- consisting of these genetic
selections and of (Heatherly's or Heatherlyian) beneficial, natural,
non-organic-behavioral-cultural selections chosen by natural
humanity's medium-matrix-culture-complex- environment
(human nurturome) of co-operative-loving-nurturing-
developmental behavior and relationships.

The above story of evolving (new) human species (or maintaining
old species), comes to an end with civilization; wherein the evolved,
natural, human lifeworld and self are no longer within the distinctive,
natural process-system, the structure-function-dwelling, of Earthlife's
evolution of primate and human-primate species. In civilization, the
creative ways of Earth-life's evolution through natural selection and
mutation are gradually displaced by artificial selections of artificials
created by humans fallen from the natural, true human path. These
invasive, alien artificials benefit short-term desires of elites
(for un-natural power-domination) at the expense of the short and
long-term needs of the bulk of the species--the need to stay the path
of human growth-fulfillment-perpetuation, to stay the path of
humanity's eco-family-community development, well-being and
evolutionary sustainability.

Whence the idea the new can renew itself?

With Springtime, the season is not renewing itself,
springtime. It is renewing, in one real sense only, one
circle, or cycling, (the seasons) of life. Afterall, where is the
beginning of any circle-- can a circle have a beginning? It can
and does: if the circle is only a circle in appearance; while
being, in precise human reality, a tightly formed spiral of
incrementally changing, constituent nature through natural
selection. With the seasons of yearly life, witnessed and
experienced by humans and other self-conscious life, Spring
is characterized, and distinguished, by its surges of life from the
dormancies of life, being of special import to the conscious and
self-conscious species. The point in the circle of the yearly
seasons -- the point and period of re-surging life-- is denoted
(and before language, noticed) as the re-surging, the re-
springing of life from the yearly dormancy of life.

*** *** *** ***

Organic-Material DNA and Eco-Sociocultural DNA

Those phenomena generally appearing to humans as
circles or cycles, are, in precise human evolutionary reality,
spirals within our human species' spiral, which slowly spiraled
from previous human species spirals, which, in turn, spiraled
from our predecessor species of primates, spiraling from
earlier forms of social mammals preceding the social primates.

The evolution of social-sexual species-life is not that of slowly
evolving lines; but, instead, that of slowly changing and
branching spirals from the first form of such life.

In sociocultural primates, and especially in human species,
evolving life creates a sociocultural spiral, gradually bonding in
interactive, inextricable unity with the material, genetic spiral
of DNA -- a double spiral of both genomic and nurturomic
blueprinted instructions, reproduced and transferred to
successive generations. This is nothing less than a fundamental,
and revolutionary second form of evolving life: from just one
spiraling strand of material, organic, evolution into two intertwined,
interactive spiraling strands -- the basis-mechanism-process-
system of evolutionary socioculture.

Can a rebirth occur after a birth? In our present use of
English, when a person or human phenomenon looses enough
of its essential and vital nature to threaten its existence, it, at
times, even if only in plausible theory, experiences a rebirth--
recovering essentials and vitals of its innate nature.

Single cell organisms, and other pre-sexual life forms, reproduce
themselves: at the time when they innately 'know" (genetically)
they are becoming increasingly less able to sustain life; they then,
through life-force, reproduce their form of life with a new organism
modeled (genetically programed) upon itself."

*** *** *** ***

The Arizona Monsoon (a season or time of rainfall )
traditionally begins when atmospheric conditions are
present for its manifestation. About three years ago, the
Weather Reporting Service decided to make it a calendared
phenomena-- an occurrence within the phenomena of the
calendar. Instead of measuring the amount of humidity and the
dew point-- its beginning being marked as the 3rd or 4th day
that the dew-point is over 40 degrees; they, in effect said: its
easier to mark its beginning at a point on the man-made
calendar, on June 15th, lasting to Sept 15th. Never mind the
factual, observable conditions of nature's atmosphere and
weather; and never mind that we will rarely get rain as early
as June 15. The monsoon, nevertheless, will, henceforth,
conveniently be marked to begin and occur when our
calendar says so.

A laughing matter to the keen observer of Mother Nature;
but, history shows how easily laughter changes to tears.
All conquests of Living Nature, her human nature and
natural, human community-socioculture are filled with laughter
and bravado; then drowned in floods of tears flowing as
natural consequence of violations of Earth-life's evolved,
nature and human nature.

Science, and other human arrogances march on, carrying
natural humanity toward still another, but unprecedented,
human decimation. A rose by any other name, eventually
becomes misunderstood into ambivalence, when under the
weight of convenient, changing denotations and perceptions.
Convenient, verbal denotations have their way of blurring,
then transforming, natural perception, as well as, conception
and intelligence.

Copyright 2010 L. S. Heatherly

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