Oct 14, 2009

Ecology: Human Evolution Vs. History (B)

Final Terrorism

No being is an island unto itself.
Yet, 'civilization' poses human being,
For want of natural mind's seeing,
Supreme on Earth, a being unto itself.

Alien constructs and lordly foundries
Cross Life's natural boundaries;
Confines humans and beasts to commerce-shelf

No organically grown, human purities,
No natural, human nature, honored and held;
No harvested knowings, no posterity-sowings.

No natural eco-defensives,
Nor native-child-homeland essences.
Desire invades mind; heart expelled.
Soul of matter wilted; ego-self swelled.


During and after the Twentieth Century, the modern mind has
increasingly dug into the idea that humans can and do exist
independently from the other species, from Earth's world of
inter-relational, ecological beings. From Flash Gordon
to Star Trek and into accelerating irresponsible sci-techno
escapism-explorationism, to the colonization of Mars: all these
fantasies spring from the false belief in independent, lone,
autonomous, human being(and beingness).

The innate nature of Earth-life's humanity, however, is otherwise:
all life forms exist through their participation in an evolving
process and system of Earth-life. Prehistoric and a'civilization',
Earth-folk sociocultures were/are quite aware of this; while we
are in violation and denial of humanity's whole, natural self. Our
incremental slipping out of this primordial understanding is our
slipping out of Earth-life's world of species-beings, evolved
and sustained through natural selection of our evolved nurturings
constituting our human culture-medium-matrix. We are falling
out of our human being, reality, behavior and sustainability,
instructed by our evolved nongenetic blueprint, our nurturome.

The marks of Humanity's original fall from paradise, from grace,
from natural goodness, are its inherent oppression of human
intelligence and its exhaustion of other natural resources. This is
seen in the rises and dispersals of city-states, nations and empires.
This 'civilization' socioculture is now a globalized, interlocked
oppression of humanity and Earth-life. The laws of Earth-life dictate
its final fall. A gradual restoration and conservation of our
nurturome is our only amelioration, our partial redemption.

A wide, ecological identification with Earth-life-world, if
ontologically-spiritually deep enough, can regenerate some
rebirthings of our evolved, original, humanity, a humanness
authentic to us and the Earth-life cradling us. This is a
rebirth of Westernized humanity's alienized human being and
socioculture back into renaturalized, renurturalized organic
family-community-ecosystem-habitat identity and autonomy
-- beyond mere individual expansion of consciousness and
identification with the wilderness, meditation and other convenient
selections from the entirety of Earth's nature and human nature.

This rebirthing is of the whole self, its family(self),
community(self), the natural self-life-world, and
nurture-culture, our human nurturome: all these dwelling within
living nature. After all, these are evolutionally created, are
intergrown, inter-functional, inter-fulfillmental and
inter-perpetuational within living nature's ecosystems of
her ecosphere, generating the growth-fulfillment-perpetuation
of life, and of life's species of beings. (continued)

(adapted from The Last Human Spring)

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