Greetings to all Humanity amidst the Earth-life which has created us. Our Ecological Age has only begun to address the diminishment and adulteration(pollution) of our Earth-life's ecosystem-habitats. The major work, The Last Human Spring, reveals and shows the way into rehabilitating the diminishment and adulteration of Earth's evolved, natural humanity.
Yes, that's the missing idea in the Green Movement! Namely, that both humanity and Earth's ecosystem-habitats are being destroyed via the pollutions of civilization. It's one assault on all life on Earth! A violation against all of Earth's species of life and their world (Earthlifeworld, our ecosphere, ); within which we are part; within which we have been carried and sustained through the eons!
We must rediscover our original, natural understanding. We must deepen our perception and intelligence down into this human revelation: we cannot effectively recover, restore, and conserve Earth's ecosystems; until we commence effectively recovering, restoring, and conserving natural humanity -- its organic, natural culture, communities, children, families, consciousness, and lifeway.
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