Sep 13, 2010

Great Literature

The greatest purpose of reading is to find books
That are, almost, impossible to read;

Books with paragraphs evoking so much
Thinking on the part of the reader

That the reader's thoughts outflank
And override each page, when held in embrace.

Great books are not written
To make wealth, nor a living for the Author;

Literature is purified wind, water, food
work, play and love repaid to humanity.

Great Authors spread great wealth
To from whence it came.

Great literature is fertile spirit cast
On a state's depleted fields of human being.

Great books nourish not, invasive, artificial growths;
but reach, instead, the Earth's
evolved, human seedlings and saplings.

They challenge 'civil', domination-constructs
With natural resproutings, resucklings, resurgings:
Restorations of natural culture and soul.

The great book says:
"Find in me, your messages to humanity."

True literature is marked by its piercings into the hearts,
lives and souls of its closest readers:
accomplishing, with mere written words,
some of what others do
through communal actions,
loving relationships
and family blood.

All rights reserved

Sep 3, 2010

Natural Freedom Vs. Artful Power

by L.S. Heatherly

Enter line of trees, shores of water;
open sod of earth for seed,
partake of any fruits of trusted yore;

Turn aside metal sheaths and scultured walls,
enter not artful, thick, wood-carved door.

Whom heeds the call of free humanity's life and lore is rich,
Whom deeds the will to imprisoned, type-set word is poor.

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